Hi Friends! Happy new year to you! Oh my, did another year just ended? Wow... and before you know it, it'll be the end of 2010!
So what am I expecting in 2010? A lot of great and exciting things, of course. So let me just list down TEN... (and this is by no means a new year resolution, cos we all know they don't really work!)

1. Start my MBA program... I am trusting God for this!
2. Run two half marathons... one in Champaign, Illinois (May) and the other most probably in Kansas City, MO (Oct), or Des Moines, Iowa (also Oct)
3. Pay off my PTPTN study loan... AT LONG LAST!
4. Rent out my house in Malaysia. Anyone reading this interested?
5. Get my Social Security Card
6. Get my U.S. Driver's License
7. Sleep under the stars a.k.a. camping (Ron my man, I'm counting on you for this!)
8. Watch a meteor shower (check out this 2010 schedule)
9. Hold a praying mantis
10. Visit Dr Eric Lien in Philadelphia, PA (May)
Ok, I know that some of you, well, in fact, most of you will be wondering... what about a baby??? Nah... not so soon. No baby at least for the next 4-5 years. I really wonder why people commonly have the notion that a couple should be having a baby immediately after getting married. I mean, at best, that's the most ridiculous idea, because it's not as simple as having sex and then 38 weeks or so later, bring a living being into the world. There's too many things to consider... financially, mentally, what about current situation... who's to take care of the baby, do we have the time, do we have the commitment? Given her current job circumstances, and my coming involvements, nah... we're not ready. Oh boy, how did I get into all this now? LOL :)
Anyways, have a nice new year. And I truly appreciate those of you who are still around reading my blog. I know that some of you go waaaaaaaaaay back! Thanks for reading this and I appreciate this friendship of ours :)
Do you want to hold a live Praying Mantis? If so, you should be able to do that on your camping trip if you go during the right time of year.
I agree abt the baby thing. Don't be in a hurry! Once you are a dad, you are ALWAYS a dad! You have plenty of time to do that so enjoy your life with just your wife for now. Build memories that will last a lifetime even after the children have flown from the nest!
Happy New Year John!
I'm with both you and Inge on the when to have children idea.
I think it's fun to see your goals here. May you be blessed in your pursuit of all of them
Good thinking on the baby business, John! You've a good head on your shoulders, common sense! You know you will be much better prepared in later years to raise children. Others neglect to look ahead before they plunge head first into an endeavor of this magnitude. You are a smart man!
When you do hold that praying mantis, make sure you keep your fingers away from its mouth cause it hurts like crazy if one bites you! Don't be afraid to hold it, just remember it will bite if given the chance! They are fascinating creatures and I hope you do get the chance to hold one! Don't be too surprised if you can find one in your own yard this summer. Keep your eyes open for one! Love that picture of the giant mantis! Where is that sculpture located?
Good luck on all your goals for the new year! Be happy and don't forget to give hugs daily!
Happy New Year, Friend!
So happy to see a post from you!!
I wish you a verrrry happy new year, yet again!hehe..I hope you do all the things listed and more!
I wish you the best my dear.
May you and your wife have a wonderful and exciting new year.
Stay in touch!
Lots of love
Happy New Year to you, too, John! You have a great list of 10 ... I so hope that each and every one comes true for you.
Happiness to both you and your bride in 2010!
Small Footprints
Hi John,
Wanted to share a site with you:
One of my bloggy friends is getting prepared for a marathon and is blogging about it. I immediately thought of you. So, if you have a minute, stop by ... she says she needs a lot of support and welcomes any tips. :)
Hope you are enjoying the U.S.
Small Footprints
Hello, nice blog!
See my site: www.freetomar.com
Hi there! I haven't "heard" from you in ages and thought I'd swing by to see how you are ... I hope everything in your life is grand and that you're too busy enjoying it to blog.
Take Care!
Small Footprints
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